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2022 Jubilant Update


During the past three seasons, there has not been as much activity as we would have liked, but the need for Jubilant’s upkeep has not been diminished.

Riding out the summer months on her mooring off the Thames Path at Richmond in itself requires our regular attention, and it has been a constant reminder that she is always available for outings regardless and this summer we were pleased that it has been possible to make much more use of her.

“Jubilant” is now ashore in her winter quarters on the shore near Teddington Lock where annual maintenance will be carried out in the New Year to prepare her for a licensing inspection by the Port of London Authority.

This year’s events included:

Bamber Gascoigne

We had the honour of taking Bamber Gascoigne’s widow, Christina, on a reflective and commemorative row in the late Spring, accompanied by many of their friends and neighbours, some in their own boats up to the London Stone.

Bamber was a great supporter of the Jubilant Trust as well as the founder of the charity Skerries 4 Schools and for over half a century a constant benevolent figure involved with the Thames and the Richmond community.

Platinum Reflections Flotilla

“Jubilant” took part in the Platinum Reflections commemoration in which she raised £300 for the RNLI’s replacement Tower Lifeboat Station.

The Platinum Reflections Flotilla was organised by Thames Alive at the request of the then Queen’s Bargemaster. It processed 150 illuminated craft from Albert Bridge and under Tower Bridge during darkness on the evening of 24th September, sixteen days after Her Majesty had died.

It was to have been a Ceremonial Row in honour of her 70-year reign but became one to reflect on the passing of the sovereign and welcome the accession of King Charles III by the Thames community.

It was also a fundraiser for the replacement RNLI station beside Waterloo Bridge. The Jubilant Trust was proud to take part in the procession which helped to raise £26,000 towards the project.

To the future:

We anticipate more challenges ahead for us all in 2023, but our aims to bring the serenity of the Thames and benefits of rowing in our iconic craft to as many as possible remains undiminished and we need your help. Contact us if you would like to help support or volunteer at the Jubilant Trust.

The Jubilant Trust wishes you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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