Jubilant is 21 this year

On the 14th of September 2002, we launched “Jubilant” at Isleworth with the support of the National Physical Laboratory at Teddington. The event was “The Celebration of Time”, a rowing procession along the Thames which took place after the naming ceremony.

In the procession, we carried on board “Jubilant” an atomic Caesium clock to be presented to the Royal Observatory Greenwich for their collection, on behalf of the National Physical Laboratory (NPL).

On the 9th of September, we are fortunate that the NPL in recognition of our 21st birthday have agreed to work with us again to celebrate our birthday. They have asked us to carry another atomic clock to the Royal Observatory for them. This time it is a Strontium ion clock which “ticks” more than 400 million million times a second.

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